
Showing posts from August, 2022

How do we agree with life and long life?

There are 2 contrasting remarks from 2 elderlies in the Bible An 85 years old Caleb said in Joshua 14:11 "As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me (when he was 40 years old); just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in." And let's read some conversation between Barzillai & King David in 2 Samuel 19:33-35 "The king said to Barzillai, “Cross over with me, and I will provide for you at my side in Jerusalem.” But Barzillai replied, “How many years of my life remain, that I should go up to Jerusalem with the king? I am now eighty years old. Can I discern what is good and what is not? Can your servant taste what he eats or drinks? Can I still hear the voice of singing men and women? Why should your servant be an added burden to my lord the king?" Proverbs 18:21 New King James Version 21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. Our gracious ...

Apakah Kita Menyembah Allah Yang Megalomania Yang Menuntut Kesetiaan Kita?

Apakah Kita Menyembah Allah Yang Megalomania Yang Menuntut Kesetiaan Kita? August 04, 2022 Ini hanya sharing pribadi, hanya sehari setelah Natal 2020....beberapa refleksi tentang apa yang dulu saya lihat/pikirkan/percaya. Saat saya remaja saya memiliki pemikiran religius bahwa ketika saya menyembah Tuhan maka Dia akan menyelamatkan saya selamanya dan saya akan ke surga suatu hari, dan sebaliknya berarti ketika saya tidak Dia akan mengirim saya ke neraka. Ini cukup menakutkan ... jadi saya menyembah Tuhan. Tapi jauh di lubuk hati saya, saya dengan tulus selalu berpikir bahwa Dia semacam mafia megalomania. Mengapa Dia membutuhkan orang untuk selalu memihak-Nya sementara Dia seharusnya cukup aman sebagai Yang Mahakuasa? Hidupku cukup baik, tapi mengapa "Pribadi berkuasa di atas sana" ini memberiku peringatan yang terdengar lebih seperti ancaman bagiku? Apakah itu terdengar seperti latihan gangster? Kita perlu membayar beberapa pembalasan kepada "Godfather" untuk kesela...

Are We Worshipping Megalomania God Who Demands Our Devotion?

It's just a personal sharing, just a day after Christmas 2020....some reflection about what I used to see/think/believe. When I was growing I had a religious thought that when I worship God then He'll save me eternally and I'm going to heaven one day, and the opposite means when I don't He'll send me to hell. It's pretty I worship God. But deep down in me I sincerely always thought that He's kind of a megalomania mafia. Why He needs people to always side Him while He's supposed to be secured enough as the Almighty one? My life was pretty decent, but why this "Guy up there" gave me warning that sounded more like a threat to me? Does it sound like a gangster's practice? We need to pay some retribution to the "godfather" for our own safety, or else he'll harm us. I thought, "Why He needs my praise & worship. Is he like a megalomania that indulge in others' appraisal?". Imagine, we as human ourselves.....

Who Needs To Be Convinced. God or Us?

"How do we know God's will about healing?"  1. We pray for God to heal. If healing occurs it means it is His will, if not it means it is not His will.  OR  2. We believe what His words say Isaiah 53:4 “Behold, He has borne our affliction (sickness) And brought our sorrow (sickness);” Psalm 103:2 “Who forgives ALL (not "some") of your iniquities, Who cure ALL of your ailments."  "How do we get divine healing?"  1. Assure God that we will optimise our good deeds in return, try our best to be perfect - Trust in our ability to please Him  OR  2. Even though God says in His Word (Isaiah 53:4, Psalm 103:2, etc.) it doesn't mean He always wants us to be healed, it could also mean spiritual healing. So in this case there is no certainty, this is a divine mystery, God is sovereign to do things that are different from His will which is written in His word.  OR  3. In the problems we face we are the one that need to be convinced that He loves us uncondi...